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Run for in a sentence

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Sentence count:227+8Posted:2017-05-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: runSimilar words: unfoldunfoldingunforeseenunfoundedunfortunateunforgettableunforeseeableunfortunatelyMeaning: v. extend or continue for a certain period of time. 
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61. Even more important, don't let them run for ever.
62. I wanted to run for office.
63. Eventually she would like to run for public office.
64. I began considering a run for public office.
65. McPhail, 20, is making a run for the board not that long after having graduated from the system himself.
66. Dominic's show-off fact: He was the youngest person ever to run for London Mayor.
67. If she laid a hand on him, what could he do besides run for it?
68. As many as 10 women have indicated they may run for the Senate in Texas.
69. The script fits Steve Forbes, whose self-financed run for the Republican presidential nomination is raising hopes and hackles.
70. The abortion debate is causing more women to run for office.
71. Coming into the game, the third-string rookie running back had run for only 90 yards on 31 carries.
72. With their eyes erect and fear in their speed they run for the safety of the waves.
73. Which is one reason I could never run for public office.
74. Some of the tunnels must have run for miles, winding in and out of the channels of water that threaded everywhere.
75. Being fit and healthy is especially important if you have to fight your way out of trouble or run for home.
76. So great a flood ... has been estimated to have run for 2 weeks.
77. Through her tears she saw Garry scaling the wall as he made a run for it.
78. Inter-Company and Consortium programmes are run for organisations sponsoring smaller groups and provide a useful cross cultural experience.
79. Maybe everyone was out in force as a dummy run for the Countryside march on 18 March.
80. What will happen: Holt Pfeiler is a virtual lock to run for mayor.
81. However, many excess mortgage allowance schemes run for a shorter time, for instance,( for.html) for five or seven years.
82. The kids set off at a run for the swing sets.
83. Whether to do the sensible thing - chicken out and run for shelter from the bitter blast of the elements?
84. Slosser gave Boyd a run for his money in the 1996 GOP primary.
85. I think I'll probably run for about 40 minutes[], then come back for a shower.
86. Not only would there be elections but an honest man was going to run for president.
87. Bothshe has sized them up as well-are strong and quite capable of catch ing her if she makes a run for it.
88. Zimmerman says Ward 2 Councilwoman Janet Marcus asked her to run for the office.
89. Run For Free led the charge in the £35,000 stamina test, and the Pipe supporting cast mopped up the minor prizes.
90. In three-plus seasons, Piazza has averaged one home run for every 15. 8 at-bats.
More similar words: unfoldunfoldingunforeseenunfoundedunfortunateunforgettableunforeseeableunfortunatelyunfitunfairunfurlunfilledunfastenunfairlysunflowerunfledgedunfeelingunfriendlyunfamiliarunflinchingunfetteredunflaggingunfaithfulinformunflappableunfavourableunfavorableunfalteringin forceget on for
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